Research Publications

Associate Professor Dr. Faiz I. Anuar publishes several articles, journal papers in the field of tourism management, information technology, social-media marketing, technologies, and branding. You can find many of these publications below.

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Research Areas

Travel Management

Tourism Management

Tourism Information Technology

    Social-Media Marketing

    Branding & Marketing

    Niche Tourism Areas

    Recent Research Publications


    Anuar, F. I., Qian, W., Halidin, I., (2023) International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 13, 5, 492 – 508, HRMARS


    Hong, X., Nadzari, N. A., & Anuar, F. I. (2022). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 803 – 817.


    Nadzari, N. A., Anuar, F. I., (2021) Palembang Tourism Forum 2021 (PTF 2021), 154-163


    Nadzari, N. A., Anuar, F. I., (2021) Palembang Tourism Forum 2021 (PTF 2021), 154-163


    Anuar, F. I., Ahmad Zaid, A. A.,Zabidi, I. Z., Ja’afar Kamal, S. N. (2021) International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences.

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